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Time Trials

Time trials are held at the beginning of the season on either the Saturday or Sunday before the first “A” meet. At the Time Trials swimmers are timed for each eligible event. If a swimmer misses time trials they must make arrangements with the Head Coach to time the swimmer in the relevant events the following week at practice.

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A Meets

Dual Meets: 

All “A” Meets are scheduled for Saturday mornings at 9 am. There will be five dual meets per swim season. A dual meet is comprised of forty individual events, four relay events and six individual medley events. The three swimmers with the fastest times in each individual event will represent the Plantations Swim Team in the "A" Team Meets. The one exception is that the freestyle events for swimmers in all age groups will be represented by six swimmers in each age group.

Relay Carnival: 

Each MCSL Division has one relay carnival per swim season. The relay carnival is comprised of twenty relay events and all teams in the division compete. The relay carnival contributes points toward the calculation of the Division Champion and helps determine participants in the MCSL Relay All-Stars Meet.

MCSL Coaches Invitational Long Course Meet: 

The fastest eight swimmers (with two alternates) in the league are invited to participate in each event. Times are based on the first three dual meets. Swimmers may not be entered in or compete in more than two events. Events are the same as non-relay events in dual meets with the distances doubled.

Divisional Meet: 

There is one divisional meet per swim season. A divisional meet is comprised of two heats per event following the same order of events used for dual meets. All six teams

from the division compete at the same time. Each team provides two swimmers per event and the two swimmers with the fastest times in each event will represent the team in the meet. In individual events, medals are awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and ribbons will be awarded for 4th-6th places. In relay events, medals will be awarded for 1st place and ribbons for 2nd and 3rd places.

All-Star Meets: 

There will be one County Relay All-Star Meet and one County Individual All-Star Meet per swim season. Both of these meets are league-wide (Divisions A-O). The winning relays from each division compete in the Relay All-Star Meet. The Individual All-Star Meet is comprised of individual and individual medley events with the fastest sixteen swimmers per event selected from all league divisions. In the Relay All-Star Meet, plaques are awarded for 1st place, medals for 2nd and 3rd places and ribbons for 4th through 8th places. For the Individual All-Star Meet, plaques are awarded to the first three places, medals for 4th, 5th, and 6th and ribbons for 7th through 16th places.

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B Meets (UPDATED for 2019 Season!)

Most “B” Meets are scheduled for Wednesday evenings at 6 pm. There will be five "B" Meets per swim season. "B" Meets are designed to provide competition opportunities for all those swimmers who do not have times that will enable them to compete in the "A" Meets or for those “A” Meet swimmers who want to swim strokes they did not swim at the previous "A" Meet.

Plantations Piranhas are part of the Montgomery Village B League. The rules of eligibility are established by the league and are as follows:


  1. If you swim an event in the A meet, you are not allowed to swim the same event in the following B meet, with the exception of freestyle (see exception below). A swimmer MAY swim any of their off-strokes in the B meet, regardless of how many events they swam in the A meet.
  2.  The A meet limit of strokes (3 + IM + relay) does not apply to B meets. There is not a limit to the number of events a B swimmer may swim in a B meet, e.g. if a B swimmer wishes to swim all five events, they may. This will ensure that each swimmer (A or B) gets ONE chance to swim each stroke each once a week.
  3. If you are a usual A swimmer who misses an A meet, you are not eligible to swim your normal strokes in the following B meet.
  4. Any swimmer who has an MCSL “All Star” time in a stroke is not allowed to swim that stroke in a B meet (even if it is the off stroke.)

Freestyle Exception: A swimmer is eligible to swim freestyle in a B meet as long as they did not place 1st through 6th in the previous A meet (i.e. the swimmer is eligible if they finished 7th through 12th place).


  • In B meets as in A meets, a swimmer is expected to be legal in the stroke before being entered in an event.
  • No Swim Ups allowed. 
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